- Crawling fast
- Cruising the furniture
- Standing alone
- Will walk between two really close stationary objects
- Will stand up and then throw herself at you
- Climbing stairs
- Can ring the bell on her radio flyer scooter and is so so proud of herself
- Has become a lot more vocal
- Mama and Dada are her only words
- Big belly laughs
- Two top teeth have come in
- Busy month of travel North Outer Banks, NC and Chicago, IL
- First long rode trip (she did great)
- First ocean swim (she loved it)
- First plane flight (she did great)
- First bachelorette party
- Self feeding almost all the time now (except for yogurt, applesauce and the like)
- STILL nursing
- Won't take formula or cows milk from a sippy
- Will drink water from a sippy
- Two naps (morning and afternoon)
- Clingy to mom
- Size 3 diapers
- Size 12 month clothing
- Wearing some 18 month sleepers... they are so long on her
- Loves loves loves splashing water (bath, pool, lake, dog bowl)
- 19 lbs, 28 in
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Allison 10 months
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Glad I got these photo scrapbooked... why? Because the shootout is this weekend!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
1st Day of Kindergarten
OBX photos
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Sunday we visited with my parents in Illinois for a little bit and got Trinity back. We made it back to our house by 4PM! This trip has been deemed the "Trip from Hell", I think you can see why.
I promise to go thru my photos and give you some nice things to look at about our trip. Maybe tonight!
I wrote this while still on vacation but Blogger was not liking me that day so I am posting it now. I need to follow up about our trip home in the next post.... Did we make it?
Friday August 12
- Go-Karts (Dave and Ashley versus Chris and Kaitlin)
- Lunch at the house
- Beach!!!
- Pizza for dinner
The beach was awesome today, the ocean was a lot warmer and it was overcast. The girls played and played in the sand. Someone before us had dug a hole and they played in that hole most of the time.
Susan and Dave feel much better. Dave even was drinking beer today, a sure sign he is fine. Susan is still running slower than normal.
I also forgot to mention that there is a great dismal swamp on fire close to the Virgina North Carolina border. If the wind is blowing right the smoke is everywhere and it stinks. On Tuesday when we woke up we thought someone was burning trash... but the further we drove away from the house we knew it had to be something else. It was real smoky again on Thursday.
The van is also back in commission... I am not sure they really know what was wrong with it. Let's hope it makes it back to
Thursday, August 11, 2011
- North Carolina Aquarium
- Ashley loved the exhibit where they helped rescue a sea turtle (hers had a stomach impaction and she had to administer a laxative and an enema)
- Fort Raleigh National Historical Site and the Lost Colony (Ashley earned a Junior Ranger Badge)
- Elizabethan Gardens in Manteo
- Lunch at Full Moon Cafe and Brewery
- Back to the house to Swim
- Dinner at the house, Chris made brats
Wednesday August 10
- Currituck Beach Lighthouse (Wayne, Jamie, Jennifer, Ashley, Kaitlin and Allison)
- Lunch in Duck, NC (I don't think I ever caught the name.... but I had shrimp and grits.... and oh my god it was so so good. I am learning to make this at home! YUM!)
- Back to the house to care for the sickly
- Dinner at the house, leftovers
- Jamie's Birthday.... we had cake!
- Jamie, Ashley and Kaitlin swimming after dinner
- Bodie Lighthouse
- Cape Hatteras National Seashore
- Van dies
- Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
- Many many stops to change the fuse
- Late late lunch at Kill Devil Hills Shakes and Fries
- Hanging at the house
- More leftovers for dinner, plus some cooked shrimp
Susan just left to go to urgent care, she is still not feeling very well. Dave is much better but still not 100%. All he has eaten all day is a milk shake.
Monday, August 8, 2011
North Outer Banks Vacation
- We started our vacation after work
- Made it to my parents (In Illinois) for an overnight stay
- Started the long drive at 8 AM
- Off the road at almost 11 PM
- Allison did great, she slept most of the way
- Ashley rode in Grandma and Grandpa's van
- We made it to Greensboro, NC
- We make it to the Outer Banks
- Drove thru lots and lots of rain
- Traffic is crazy trying to get onto the islands
- We swam at the house pool as soon as we got here
- Even though it was raining
- Shrimp dinner at home
- Grocery shopping (Wayne was with in $2 of the total)
- On the beach first thing
- Allison loved it
- Ashley really loved it
- Sand castle building
- Riding the waves, it was cold!
- Back to the house and to the pool
- Water wars with the squirt guns
- Dinner at Rundown Diner
- Bailey's Ice Cream for Desert
- Wright Brothers National Memorial
- Chris, Susan, Ashley and Kaitlin made the long hike up the dune
- Ashely and Kaitlin got Jr. Ranger badges
- Lunch at High Cotton BBQ
- Swimming at the pool
- Dinner at home (steaks, corn and salad)
- Making fun of Wayne's cell phone ringer